is a manga created and written by Masahiro Itabashi and illustrated by Hiroyuki Tamakoshi, which was in 2000 adapted into a 13 episode anime series by Hal Film Maker. Three different ''Boys Be...'' manga series were serialized by Kodansha in ''Shukan Shōnen Magazine''. In 2009 Kodansha announced a fourth series, ''Boys Be... Next Season'', starting in the November 2009 issue of ''Magazine Special''. The second manga series is licensed in North America by Tokyopop. The anime first aired on WOWOW in April–June 2000. It was licensed by The Right Stuf International. The first DVD volume of the series was released in North America on February 28, 2006. Comcast and several other cable providers have shown ''Boys Be'' On Demand in the United States through the Anime Network. In Asia, the series aired on AXN Asia before it handed all anime broadcasting duties to Animax Asia, and, unlike other AXN anime making it to Animax Asia, was never retained. It also aired on Spanish networks Jonu Media and K3. ==Plot== The title of the series is explained in the first chapter where the author refers to the quote "Boys, be ambitious",〔''Boys Be...'' manga, chapter 1: ''Report 1: Summer of '91, From the Southern Island''〕 which was said by William S. Clark and has become a popular motto in Japan. The anime focuses upon the ups and downs, joys and sorrows of first love and teenage romance. Six students struggle to find the perfect partner and their adolescent limitations. While several characters are taken from stories in the manga, the story of the anime is unrelated to the manga. Each episode begins and ends with a philosophical quote which sums up the episode's content.The anime, while centered on Kyoichi and Chiharu, revolves around seven or eight main characters and their love lives. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Boys Be...」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク